Tuesday, August 19, 2008

  • The participants advised the organizers to make it clear in the application that the stress of the program will be on collaboration between local and international/invited curators (participants).
  • The program was too intense. The participants should have one day a week to rest, read and explore the city as well as to get to know the context by themselves. A reading list of articles on the local artistic context should be provided.
  • All participants, including the local ones, have to stay together in the hostel to be able to socialize during off hours.
  • The address and location of the accommodation venue should be provided to the participants earlier, before their arrival.
  • For the future not to come up with ambitious titles or heavy theoretical framings for the program.
  • To facilitate a platform through which the participants will be able to get to know the instructors better before arriving to Yerevan.
  • To invite a team of volunteers to help the organizers.
  • To include a one-week course of Armenian contemporary art into the program.
  • To ask Armenian artists to prepare CDs with their bios and works.


Just the Goods said...

Thank you so much for organizing this event, Angela and Nazareth!

As noted many times already, I want to express how truly valuable it has been to participate in the Summer School for Curators The chance to research, think, collaborate, and present in a completely different part of the world is a rare opportunity. I have gained so much, and there is still a great deal to think about even weeks later. I haven’t processed all of it just yet, but I’m looking forward to keeping the channels of communication open with everyone. Not only that, I’m looking forward to being in touch with participants from previous editions of the program. Building a dialogue across various years will be very interesting, to say the least!

All the best,

Just the Goods said...

ps - Cool to see pics uploaded! I'll add more when I can =-)

Angela Harutyunyan said...

Thanks Milana for your comments.
It was really great to get to know you -always energetic and optimistic:))
Kisses, Angela